Sep 28, 2022
All lecture slides will work on Binder, data is available to be loaded, etc. Binder has an exact copy of the file structure in the GitHub repo.
An interface just like the pandas
plot() function, but much more useful.
# Our usual imports
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# This will add the .hvplot() function to your DataFrame!
import hvplot.pandas
# Import holoviews too
import holoviews as hv
Example: Interactive choropleth of median property assessments in Philadelphia
# Load the data
url = ""
data = pd.read_csv(url)
# Create the Point() objects
data['geometry'] = gpd.points_from_xy(data['lng'], data['lat'])
# Create the GeoDataFrame
data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data, geometry='geometry', crs="EPSG:4326")
# load the Zillow data from GitHub
url = ""
zillow = gpd.read_file(url)
# Important: Make sure the CRS match
data = data.to_crs(
# perform the spatial join
data = gpd.sjoin(data, zillow, predicate='within', how='left')
# Calculate the median market value per Zillow neighborhood
median_values = data.groupby("ZillowName", as_index=False)["market_value"].median()
# Merge median values with the Zillow geometries
median_values = zillow.merge(median_values, on="ZillowName")
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
ZillowName | geometry | market_value | |
0 | Academy Gardens | POLYGON ((-74.99851 40.06435, -74.99456 40.061... | 185950.0 |
1 | Allegheny West | POLYGON ((-75.16592 40.00327, -75.16596 40.003... | 34750.0 |
2 | Andorra | POLYGON ((-75.22463 40.06686, -75.22588 40.065... | 251900.0 |
3 | Aston Woodbridge | POLYGON ((-75.00860 40.05369, -75.00861 40.053... | 183800.0 |
4 | Bartram Village | POLYGON ((-75.20733 39.93350, -75.20733 39.933... | 48300.0 |
Let's add a tile source underneath the choropleth map
import geoviews as gv
import geoviews.tile_sources as gvts
%%opts WMTS [width=800, height=800, xaxis=None, yaxis=None]
choro = median_values.hvplot(c='market_value',
gvts.ESRI * choro
The spatial distance that a single pixel covers on the ground.
The bounding box that covers the entire extent of the raster data.
Pixel space --> real space
Each band measures the light reflected from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
image format with additional spatial information embedded in the file, which includes metadata for:NoDataValue
We'll use rasterio
for the majority of our raster analysis
Analysis is built around the "open()" command which returns a "dataset" or "file handle"
import rasterio as rio
# Open the file and get a file "handle"
landsat ="./data/landsat8_philly.tif")
<open DatasetReader name='./data/landsat8_philly.tif' mode='r'>
# The CRS
# The bounds
BoundingBox(left=476064.3596176505, bottom=4413096.927074196, right=503754.3596176505, top=4443066.927074196)
# The number of bands available
# The band numbers that are available
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
# Number of pixels in the x and y directions
(999, 923)
# The 6 parameters that map from pixel to real space
Affine(30.0, 0.0, 476064.3596176505, 0.0, -30.0, 4443066.927074196)
# All of the meta data
{'driver': 'GTiff', 'dtype': 'uint16', 'nodata': None, 'width': 923, 'height': 999, 'count': 10, 'crs': CRS.from_epsg(32618), 'transform': Affine(30.0, 0.0, 476064.3596176505, 0.0, -30.0, 4443066.927074196)}
Tell the file which band to read, starting with 1
# This is just a numpy array
data =
array([[10901, 10618, 10751, ..., 12145, 11540, 14954], [11602, 10718, 10546, ..., 11872, 11982, 12888], [10975, 10384, 10357, ..., 11544, 12318, 12456], ..., [12281, 12117, 12072, ..., 11412, 11724, 11088], [12747, 11866, 11587, ..., 11558, 12028, 10605], [11791, 11677, 10656, ..., 10615, 11557, 11137]], dtype=uint16)
We can plot it with matplotlib's imshow
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
img = ax.imshow(data)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x294c0eaf0>
Note that imshow needs a bounding box of the form: (left, right, bottom, top).
See the documentation for imshow
if you forget the right ordering...(I often do!)
Matplotlib has a built in log normalization...
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Plot the image
img = ax.imshow(
norm=mcolors.LogNorm(), # Use a log colorbar scale
extent=[ # Set the extent of the images
# Add a colorbar
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x29aefc3d0>
Two requirements:
city_limits = gpd.read_file("./data/City_Limits.geojson")
# Convert to the correct CRS!
{'init': 'epsg:32618'}
city_limits = city_limits.to_crs(['init'])
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# The extent of the data
landsat_extent = [
# Plot!
img = ax.imshow(data,
norm=mcolors.LogNorm(), #NEW
extent=landsat_extent) #NEW
# Add the city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="white")
# Add a colorbar and turn off axis lines
Landsat 8 has 11 bands spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from visible to infrared.
First let's read the red, blue, and green bands (bands 4, 3, 2):
The .indexes
attributes tells us the bands available to be read.
Important: they are not zero-indexed!
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
rgb_data =[4, 3, 2])
(3, 999, 923)
Note the data has the shape: (bands, height, width)
array([10901, 10618, 10751, 11045, 10914, 10400, 10585, 10438, 10225, 10297, 10523, 10944, 10507, 10505, 10686, 11082, 11852, 11455, 11293, 10536, 10315, 10391, 10472, 10366, 10341, 11422, 10582, 11905, 12525, 12748, 13027, 13115, 12969, 12844, 12975, 11837, 10618, 11009, 10945, 10653, 10519, 10594, 10546, 10580, 10768, 10943, 10769, 10533, 10559, 10725, 10774, 11520, 11922, 11483, 10478, 10390, 10283, 10345, 10280, 10343, 10536, 10332, 10422, 10309, 10377, 10517, 10225, 10468, 10816, 10553, 10419, 10394, 10619, 10734, 10841, 10944, 11099, 11107, 10857, 10738, 10814, 10658, 10735, 10842, 10765, 10587, 10785, 10797, 11099, 11141, 10923, 11064, 10626, 10355, 10499, 10530, 10641, 10466, 10497, 10480, 11392, 11669, 10928, 10927, 10524, 10499, 10337, 10374, 10670, 10630, 10371, 10211, 10268, 10275, 10296, 10244, 10216, 10240, 10598, 10427, 10355, 10412, 10417, 10410, 10272, 10268, 10373, 10320, 10238, 10390, 10285, 10441, 10274, 10328, 10419, 10526, 10568, 10464, 10513, 10656, 10617, 10351, 10395, 10608, 10384, 10158, 10144, 10170, 10184, 10214, 10226, 10178, 10166, 10224, 10285, 10357, 10377, 10173, 10175, 10151, 10144, 10138, 10120, 10139, 10148, 10131, 10339, 10826, 10565, 10357, 10344, 10224, 10196, 10381, 10434, 10295, 10294, 10245, 10245, 10227, 10266, 11380, 12201, 11826, 14048, 11851, 10465, 10490, 10680, 10332, 10920, 11247, 11096, 11168, 11633, 12129, 11740, 11647, 11071, 10593, 10863, 10995, 11153, 11285, 10707, 10613, 11054, 10860, 11024, 11062, 10598, 10520, 10501, 10435, 10492, 10691, 10690, 10337, 10413, 10753, 11031, 12790, 12313, 11258, 11157, 11617, 11518, 10959, 11121, 12540, 13398, 12544, 12900, 12122, 11852, 11487, 10815, 11078, 11080, 11373, 14688, 15051, 11360, 12853, 13111, 11095, 10621, 11538, 12232, 12394, 12411, 11435, 11248, 11503, 11601, 10818, 11365, 10831, 10338, 10265, 10229, 10233, 10372, 10876, 11282, 10837, 10484, 10976, 11477, 11810, 11431, 10596, 10601, 10609, 10871, 10937, 10688, 10941, 10942, 11205, 11606, 11220, 10367, 10295, 10316, 10325, 10317, 10338, 11053, 11736, 11419, 11117, 11046, 11674, 11122, 11031, 10934, 10930, 14929, 19892, 22118, 14195, 10473, 10668, 11283, 12265, 12750, 12047, 11410, 10690, 10415, 10260, 10770, 12274, 12017, 11316, 10937, 10722, 11071, 11234, 11409, 11317, 10713, 10515, 10714, 11232, 11636, 11193, 11256, 11583, 11801, 11127, 10382, 10316, 10480, 10633, 10794, 11020, 10756, 10679, 10801, 10829, 10683, 10507, 10626, 10829, 10675, 10453, 10711, 10848, 10814, 10501, 10466, 10726, 10598, 10565, 10555, 10427, 10323, 10390, 10764, 10890, 10664, 10299, 10697, 11106, 11009, 10642, 10404, 10733, 11026, 10783, 11156, 11066, 10854, 10414, 10360, 10562, 10605, 10585, 10608, 10930, 10899, 10924, 11076, 11184, 11018, 10667, 10445, 10472, 10662, 10745, 11564, 11095, 11351, 11241, 10279, 10345, 10539, 10626, 10799, 10999, 10640, 11097, 10740, 10487, 11287, 11105, 10495, 10614, 11057, 11144, 11021, 10803, 10290, 10494, 10774, 11018, 10940, 10774, 10954, 10839, 10784, 11072, 10563, 10224, 10161, 10178, 10199, 10324, 10688, 10749, 10754, 11253, 11265, 10892, 10752, 10863, 10785, 11019, 11041, 10844, 10881, 11077, 11389, 11226, 11405, 11563, 11377, 11397, 11704, 11914, 11809, 11385, 11449, 11873, 11512, 11276, 11122, 11080, 11130, 10972, 10773, 10762, 11051, 10554, 10605, 11073, 11002, 11458, 10962, 10653, 10445, 10756, 11950, 12005, 12624, 10454, 10858, 10916, 11163, 11186, 10916, 10746, 10657, 11282, 10899, 10827, 10661, 11014, 10856, 11043, 10991, 11017, 10957, 10973, 10831, 11039, 11090, 11315, 11236, 11504, 11089, 10873, 10625, 10499, 10711, 10529, 10668, 10538, 10763, 10672, 10649, 10514, 10237, 10534, 10625, 10516, 10404, 10197, 10247, 10312, 10262, 10708, 10640, 10462, 10275, 10139, 10136, 10319, 10662, 10349, 10160, 10202, 10183, 10211, 10189, 10179, 10275, 10414, 10313, 10302, 10963, 10346, 10269, 10348, 10569, 10311, 10235, 10366, 10292, 10267, 10305, 10265, 10308, 10356, 10349, 10354, 10565, 10559, 10466, 10457, 10410, 10248, 10403, 10502, 10405, 10359, 10537, 10510, 10465, 10512, 10629, 10654, 10569, 10513, 10526, 10567, 10599, 10368, 10295, 10270, 10204, 10164, 10170, 10189, 10155, 10210, 10210, 10171, 10163, 10162, 10205, 10259, 10301, 10239, 10211, 10208, 10251, 10377, 10393, 10424, 10251, 10427, 10560, 10485, 10337, 10533, 10546, 10556, 10317, 10181, 10193, 10208, 10157, 10166, 10122, 10139, 10393, 10773, 11205, 10496, 10629, 10624, 10779, 11037, 10398, 10568, 10289, 10547, 10374, 10376, 10363, 10350, 11107, 12838, 10384, 10256, 10350, 10797, 10451, 10289, 10231, 10221, 10157, 10196, 10286, 10479, 10253, 10389, 10573, 10774, 10577, 10431, 10454, 10328, 10351, 10594, 10821, 10539, 10298, 10177, 10268, 10342, 10268, 10385, 10398, 10560, 10431, 10524, 10578, 10350, 10286, 10501, 10750, 10512, 10205, 10113, 10475, 10766, 10332, 10167, 10424, 10700, 10823, 10789, 10682, 10773, 10921, 10717, 10966, 10973, 10208, 10161, 10250, 10099, 10216, 10700, 10760, 10650, 10559, 10589, 10948, 11812, 10747, 10543, 10364, 10674, 10950, 11036, 11536, 11452, 13447, 13820, 17711, 13277, 11019, 10506, 10354, 10127, 10125, 10193, 10555, 11036, 10944, 11145, 10995, 11105, 10973, 10449, 10764, 11036, 10857, 10630, 10569, 10607, 10989, 11250, 10827, 10851, 10835, 10863, 10545, 10460, 10695, 10666, 10684, 10699, 10744, 10438, 10226, 10618, 10878, 11049, 11254, 11069, 10650, 10376, 10362, 10851, 10916, 10459, 10334, 10279, 10736, 10804, 10799, 10264, 10288, 10908, 10516, 10716, 10575, 10710, 12654, 11934, 11812, 11295, 10696, 10750, 10575, 10333, 10543, 10412, 10387, 10697, 10576, 10910, 10757, 10627, 11230, 10656, 10630, 10835, 10694, 11474, 10532, 10543, 10798, 10761, 11070, 11062, 10489, 10424, 10299, 10309, 10238, 10334, 10424, 10429, 10663, 10990, 11452, 11767, 11454, 10738, 10349, 10301, 10514, 10516, 10454, 10637, 10704, 10527, 10683, 10517, 10481, 10411, 10457, 10355, 10326, 10372, 10432, 11632, 11776, 13655, 11890, 11715, 12084, 11566, 10977, 11113, 10649, 10418, 10668, 10609, 11132, 10786, 10746, 11106, 10933, 10820, 10580, 10579, 10561, 11213, 10865, 10998, 11195, 10652, 10469, 10480, 10892, 11531, 11353, 11092, 10814, 10712, 10737, 11380, 12418, 12875, 12696, 12197, 12504, 12697, 12140, 10702, 10473, 11418, 11788, 10925, 10692, 10828, 10677, 10632, 10661, 10674, 10706, 10751, 11115, 11318, 11490, 11837, 12182, 12017, 11662, 11181, 10755, 10611, 11391, 11743, 13173, 11971, 11176, 11425, 11677, 11290, 10819, 10839, 10928, 10923, 10962, 11350, 11170, 11306, 11292, 11592, 11656, 11758, 12145, 11540, 14954], dtype=uint16)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 6))
cmaps = ["Reds", "Greens", "Blues"]
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
# This subplot axes
ax = axs[i]
# Plot
ax.imshow(rgb_data[i], norm=mcolors.LogNorm(), extent=landsat_extent, cmap=cmaps[i])
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black")
# Format
You can specify the subplot layout via the nrows
and ncols
keywords to plt.subplots
. If you have more than one row or column, the function returns:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3)
When nrows or ncols > 1, I usually name the returned axes variable "axs" vs. the usual case of just "ax". It's useful for remembering we got more than one Axes object back!
# This has length 3 for each of the 3 columns!
array([<AxesSubplot:>, <AxesSubplot:>, <AxesSubplot:>], dtype=object)
# Left axes
# Middle axes
# Right axes
to plot the combined color image¶A useful utility package to perform the proper re-scaling of pixel values
import earthpy.plot as ep
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# Plot the RGB bands
ep.plot_rgb(rgb_data, rgb=(0, 1, 2), ax=ax);
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# Plot the RGB bands
ep.plot_rgb(rgb_data, rgb=(0, 1, 2), ax=ax, stretch=True);
Can we do better?
import xarray as xr
import rioxarray # Adds rasterio engine extension to xarray
ds = xr.open_dataset("./data/landsat8_philly.tif", engine="rasterio")
<xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (band: 10, x: 923, y: 999) Coordinates: * band (band) int64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * x (x) float64 4.761e+05 4.761e+05 ... 5.037e+05 5.037e+05 * y (y) float64 4.443e+06 4.443e+06 ... 4.413e+06 4.413e+06 spatial_ref int64 0 Data variables: band_data (band, y, x) float32 ...
Still experimental, but very promising — interactive plots with widgets for each band!
import hvplot.xarray
img = ds.hvplot.image(width=700, height=500, cmap='viridis')
Use rasterio's builtin mask function:
from rasterio.mask import mask
<open DatasetReader name='./data/landsat8_philly.tif' mode='r'>
masked, mask_transform = mask(
crop=True, # remove pixels not within boundary
all_touched=True, # get all pixels that touch the boudnary
filled=False, # do not fill cropped pixels with a default value
masked_array( data=[[[--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], ..., [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --]], [[--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], ..., [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --]], [[--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], ..., [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --]], ..., [[--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], ..., [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --]], [[--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], ..., [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --]], [[--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], ..., [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --], [--, --, --, ..., --, --, --]]], mask=[[[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]], [[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]], [[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]], ..., [[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]], [[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]], [[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]]], fill_value=999999, dtype=uint16)
(10, 999, 923)
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Plot the first band
ax.imshow(masked[0], cmap="viridis", extent=landsat_extent)
# Format and add the city limits
city_limits.boundary.plot(ax=ax, color="gray", linewidth=4)
Let's save our cropped raster data. To save raster data, we need both the array of the data and the proper meta-data.
out_meta = landsat.meta
{"height": masked.shape[1], "width": masked.shape[2], "transform": mask_transform}
# write small image to local Geotiff file
with"data/cropped_landsat.tif", "w", **out_meta) as dst:
# Can't access
{'driver': 'GTiff', 'dtype': 'uint16', 'nodata': None, 'width': 923, 'height': 999, 'count': 10, 'crs': CRS.from_epsg(32618), 'transform': Affine(30.0, 0.0, 476064.3596176505, 0.0, -30.0, 4443066.927074196)}
<open DatasetReader name='./data/landsat8_philly.tif' mode='r'>
Note: we used a context manager above (the "with" statement) to handle the opening and subsequent closing of our new file.
For more info, see this tutorial.
Often called "map algebra"...
NDVI = (NIR - Red) / (NIR + Red)
Healthy vegetation reflects NIR and absorbs visible, so the NDVI for green vegatation
NIR is band 5 and red is band 4
(10, 999, 923)
# Note that the indexing here is zero-based, e.g., band 1 is index 0
red = masked[3]
nir = masked[4]
# Where mask = True, pixels are excluded
array([[ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], ..., [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True], [ True, True, True, ..., True, True, True]])
def calculate_NDVI(nir, red):
Calculate the NDVI from the NIR and red landsat bands
# Convert to floats
nir = nir.astype(float)
red = red.astype(float)
# Get valid entries
check = np.logical_and( red.mask == False, nir.mask == False )
# Where the check is True, return the NDVI, else return NaN
ndvi = np.where(check, (nir - red ) / ( nir + red ), np.nan )
return ndvi
NDVI = calculate_NDVI(nir, red)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# Plot NDVI
img = ax.imshow(NDVI, extent=landsat_extent)
# Format and plot city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='gray', facecolor='none', linewidth=4)
ax.set_title("NDVI in Philadelphia", fontsize=18);
# Read in the parks dataset
parks = gpd.read_file('./data/parks.geojson')
# Print out the CRS
<Geographic 2D CRS: EPSG:4326> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich
# Conver to landsat CRS
parks = parks.to_crs(['init'])
#parks = parks.to_crs(epsg=32618)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# Plot NDVI
img = ax.imshow(NDVI, extent=landsat_extent)
# NEW: add the parks
parks.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='crimson', facecolor='none', linewidth=2)
# Format and plot city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='gray', facecolor='none', linewidth=4)
ax.set_title("NDVI vs. Parks in Philadelphia", fontsize=18);
It looks like it worked pretty well!
This is called zonal statistics. We can use the rasterstats
package to do this...
from rasterstats import zonal_stats
stats = zonal_stats(parks, NDVI, affine=landsat.transform, stats=['mean', 'median'], nodata=np.nan)
function¶Zonal statistics of raster values aggregated to vector geometries.
[{'mean': 0.5051087300747117, 'median': 0.521160491292894}, {'mean': 0.441677258928841, 'median': 0.47791901454593105}, {'mean': 0.4885958179164529, 'median': 0.5084981442485412}, {'mean': 0.3756264171005127, 'median': 0.42356277391080177}, {'mean': 0.45897667566035816, 'median': 0.49204860985900256}, {'mean': 0.4220467885671325, 'median': 0.46829433706341134}, {'mean': 0.38363107808041097, 'median': 0.416380868090128}, {'mean': 0.4330996771737791, 'median': 0.4772304906066629}, {'mean': 0.45350534061220404, 'median': 0.5015001304461257}, {'mean': 0.44505112880627273, 'median': 0.4701653486700216}, {'mean': 0.5017048095513129, 'median': 0.5108644957689836}, {'mean': 0.23745576631277313, 'median': 0.24259729272419628}, {'mean': 0.31577818701756977, 'median': 0.3306512446567765}, {'mean': 0.5300954792288528, 'median': 0.5286783042394015}, {'mean': 0.4138823685577781, 'median': 0.4604562737642586}, {'mean': 0.48518030764354636, 'median': 0.5319950233699855}, {'mean': 0.3154294503884359, 'median': 0.33626983970826585}, {'mean': 0.4673660755293326, 'median': 0.49301485937514306}, {'mean': 0.38810332525412405, 'median': 0.4133657898874572}, {'mean': 0.4408030558751575, 'median': 0.45596817840957254}, {'mean': 0.5025746121592748, 'median': 0.5077718684805924}, {'mean': 0.3694178483720184, 'median': 0.3760657145169406}, {'mean': 0.501111461720193, 'median': 0.5050854708805356}, {'mean': 0.5262850765386248, 'median': 0.5356888168557536}, {'mean': 0.48653727784657114, 'median': 0.5100931149323727}, {'mean': 0.4687375187461541, 'median': 0.49930407348983946}, {'mean': 0.4708292376095287, 'median': 0.48082651365503404}, {'mean': 0.4773326667398458, 'median': 0.5156144807640011}, {'mean': 0.4787564298905878, 'median': 0.49155885289073287}, {'mean': 0.44870821225970553, 'median': 0.4532736333178444}, {'mean': 0.28722653079042143, 'median': 0.2989290105395561}, {'mean': 0.5168607841969154, 'median': 0.5325215878735168}, {'mean': 0.4725611895576703, 'median': 0.49921839394549977}, {'mean': 0.46766118115625893, 'median': 0.49758167570710404}, {'mean': 0.4886459911745514, 'median': 0.5020622294662287}, {'mean': 0.46017276593316403, 'median': 0.4758438120450033}, {'mean': 0.4536300550044786, 'median': 0.49233559560028084}, {'mean': 0.4239182074098442, 'median': 0.4602468966932257}, {'mean': 0.31202502605597016, 'median': 0.32572928232562837}, {'mean': 0.2912164528160494, 'median': 0.2946940937582767}, {'mean': 0.3967233668480246, 'median': 0.3967233668480246}, {'mean': 0.3226210938878899, 'median': 0.35272291143510365}, {'mean': 0.4692543355097313, 'median': 0.502843843019927}, {'mean': 0.2094971073454244, 'median': 0.2736635627619322}, {'mean': 0.4429390753150177, 'median': 0.49684622604615747}, {'mean': 0.532656111900622, 'median': 0.5346870838881491}, {'mean': 0.5053390017291615, 'median': 0.5413888437144251}, {'mean': 0.500764874094713, 'median': 0.5121577370584547}, {'mean': 0.4213318206046151, 'median': 0.46379308008197284}, {'mean': 0.43340892620907207, 'median': 0.4818377611583778}, {'mean': 0.5069321976848545, 'median': 0.5160336741725328}, {'mean': 0.4410269675104542, 'median': 0.4870090058426777}, {'mean': 0.4923323198113241, 'median': 0.5212096391398666}, {'mean': 0.45403610108483955, 'median': 0.4947035355619755}, {'mean': 0.2771909854304859, 'median': 0.2843133053564756}, {'mean': 0.48502792988760635, 'median': 0.5001936488730003}, {'mean': 0.45418598340923805, 'median': 0.48402058939985293}, {'mean': 0.32960811687490216, 'median': 0.3285528031290743}, {'mean': 0.5260210746257522, 'median': 0.5444229172432882}, {'mean': 0.4445493328049692, 'median': 0.4630808572279276}, {'mean': 0.4495963972554633, 'median': 0.4858841111806047}, {'mean': 0.5240412096213553, 'median': 0.5283402835696414}, {'mean': 0.13767686126646383, 'median': -0.02153756296999343}]
# Store the median value in the parks data frame
parks['median_NDVI'] = [s['median'] for s in stats]
0 | 7 | Wissahickon Valley Park | Wissahickon Valley Park | Wissahickon Valley Park | None | LAND | REGIONAL_CONSERVATION_WATERSHED | NO_PROGRAM | 9.078309e+07 | 2084.101326 | 19128 | MAP | SITE | Wissahickon Valley Park | 1357 | 1.441162e+07 | 71462.556702 | MULTIPOLYGON (((484101.476 4431051.989, 484099... | 0.521160 | |
1 | 8 | West Fairmount Park | West Fairmount Park | West Fairmount Park | LAND | REGIONAL_CONSERVATION_WATERSHED | NO_PROGRAM | 6.078159e+07 | 1395.358890 | 19131 | MAP | SITE | West Fairmount Park | 1714 | 9.631203e+06 | 25967.819064 | MULTIPOLYGON (((482736.681 4428824.579, 482728... | 0.477919 | ||
2 | 23 | Pennypack Park | Pennypack Park | Pennypack Park | LAND | REGIONAL_CONSERVATION_WATERSHED | NO_PROGRAM | 6.023748e+07 | 1382.867808 | 19152 | Verree Rd Interpretive Center | MAP | SITE | Pennypack Park | 1651 | 9.566914e+06 | 41487.394790 | MULTIPOLYGON (((497133.192 4434667.950, 497123... | 0.508498 | |
3 | 24 | East Fairmount Park | East Fairmount Park | East Fairmount Park | LAND | REGIONAL_CONSERVATION_WATERSHED | NO_PROGRAM | 2.871642e+07 | 659.240959 | 19121 | MAP | SITE | East Fairmount Park | 1713 | 4.549582e+06 | 21499.126097 | POLYGON ((484539.743 4424162.545, 484620.184 4... | 0.423563 | ||
4 | 25 | Tacony Creek Park | Tacony Creek Park | Tacony Creek Park | LAND | REGIONAL_CONSERVATION_WATERSHED | NO_PROGRAM | 1.388049e+07 | 318.653500 | 19120 | MAP | SITE | Tacony Creek Park | 1961 | 2.201840e+06 | 19978.610852 | MULTIPOLYGON (((491712.882 4429633.244, 491713... | 0.492049 |
They are all positive, indicating an abundance of green vegetation...
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
# Plot a quick histogram
ax.hist(parks['median_NDVI'], bins='auto')
ax.axvline(x=0, c='k', lw=2)
# Format
ax.set_xlabel("Median NDVI", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Parks", fontsize=18);
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# Plot the city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='black', facecolor='none', linewidth=4)
# Plot the median NDVI
parks.plot(column='median_NDVI', legend=True, ax=ax, cmap='viridis')
# Format
Make sure to check the crs!
<Derived Projected CRS: EPSG:32618> Name: WGS 84 / UTM zone 18N Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (metre) - N[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: Between 78°W and 72°W, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. Bahamas. Canada - Nunavut; Ontario; Quebec. Colombia. Cuba. Ecuador. Greenland. Haiti. Jamaica. Panama. Turks and Caicos Islands. United States (USA). Venezuela. - bounds: (-78.0, 0.0, -72.0, 84.0) Coordinate Operation: - name: UTM zone 18N - method: Transverse Mercator Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich
The CRS is "EPSG:32618" and since it's not in 4326, we'll need to specify the "crs=" keyword when plotting!
# trim to only the columns we want to plot
cols = ["median_NDVI", "SITE_NAME", "geometry"]
# Plot the parks colored by median NDVI
p = parks[cols].hvplot.polygons(c="median_NDVI",
# Plot the city limit boundary
cl = city_limits.hvplot.polygons(
# combine!
cl * p
/Users/nhand/mambaforge/envs/musa-550-fall-2022/lib/python3.9/site-packages/geoviews/operation/ ShapelyDeprecationWarning: Iteration over multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in Shapely 2.0. Use the `geoms` property to access the constituent parts of a multi-part geometry. polys = [g for g in geom if g.area > 1e-15]
You're welcome to use matplotlib/geopandas, but encouraged to explore the new hvplot options!
# Load the neighborhoods
hoods = gpd.read_file("./data/zillow_neighborhoods.geojson")
Important: Make sure your neighborhoods GeoDataFrame is in the same CRS as the Landsat data!['init']
# Convert to the landsat
hoods = hoods.to_crs(['init'])
# Calculate the zonal statistics
stats_by_hood = zonal_stats(hoods, NDVI, affine=landsat.transform, stats=['mean', 'median'], nodata=-999)
[{'mean': 0.31392040334687304, 'median': 0.27856594452047934}, {'mean': 0.18300929138083402, 'median': 0.15571923768967572}, {'mean': 0.22468445189501648, 'median': 0.17141970412772856}, {'mean': 0.43065240779519015, 'median': 0.4617488161141866}, {'mean': 0.318970809622512, 'median': 0.3006904521671514}, {'mean': 0.25273468406592925, 'median': 0.2483195384843864}, {'mean': 0.09587147406959982, 'median': 0.08340007053008469}, {'mean': 0.17925317272000577, 'median': 0.16159209153091308}, {'mean': 0.16927437879780147, 'median': 0.14856486796785304}, {'mean': 0.13315183006110315, 'median': 0.0844147036216485}, {'mean': 0.3032613180748332, 'median': 0.2991018371406554}, {'mean': 0.3005145367111285, 'median': 0.2983533036011672}, {'mean': 0.3520402658092766, 'median': 0.36642977306279395}, {'mean': 0.06850728352663443, 'median': 0.051313743471153465}, {'mean': 0.1624992167356467, 'median': 0.14594594594594595}, {'mean': 0.19406263526762074, 'median': 0.19242101469002704}, {'mean': 0.2495581274514327, 'median': 0.2257300667883086}, {'mean': 0.04163000301482944, 'median': 0.037030431957658136}, {'mean': 0.4201038409217668, 'median': 0.4439358649612553}, {'mean': 0.04225135200774936, 'median': 0.03853493588670528}, {'mean': 0.2904211760054823, 'median': 0.26470142185928036}, {'mean': 0.15363805171709244, 'median': 0.12085003697505158}, {'mean': 0.17152805040632468, 'median': 0.11496098074558328}, {'mean': 0.42552495036167076, 'median': 0.421658805187364}, {'mean': 0.3912762229270476, 'median': 0.42212521910111195}, {'mean': 0.09404645575651284, 'median': 0.07857622565480188}, {'mean': 0.16491834928991564, 'median': 0.15021318465070516}, {'mean': 0.3106049986498808, 'median': 0.32583142201834864}, {'mean': 0.12919644511512735, 'median': 0.11913371378191145}, {'mean': 0.2915737313903987, 'median': 0.304774440588728}, {'mean': 0.31787656779796253, 'median': 0.3952783887473803}, {'mean': 0.195965777548411, 'median': 0.1770113196079921}, {'mean': 0.05661083180075057, 'median': 0.0499893639651138}, {'mean': 0.18515284607314653, 'median': 0.17907100357304717}, {'mean': 0.29283640801624505, 'median': 0.2877666162286677}, {'mean': 0.1771635174218309, 'median': 0.14970314171568821}, {'mean': 0.14716619864818462, 'median': 0.11244390749050742}, {'mean': 0.12469553617180827, 'median': 0.10742619029157832}, {'mean': 0.18291214109092946, 'median': 0.1216128609630211}, {'mean': 0.1859549325760223, 'median': 0.17248164686293802}, {'mean': 0.09016336981602067, 'median': 0.07756515448942505}, {'mean': 0.14353818825070166, 'median': 0.12901489323524135}, {'mean': 0.29371646510388005, 'median': 0.2772895703235984}, {'mean': 0.14261119894987634, 'median': 0.13165141028503385}, {'mean': 0.160324108968167, 'median': 0.14247544403334816}, {'mean': 0.19990495725580412, 'median': 0.12561208543149852}, {'mean': 0.1404895811639291, 'median': 0.11285189208851981}, {'mean': 0.20007580613997314, 'median': 0.17488414495175872}, {'mean': 0.29349378771510654, 'median': 0.27647108771333956}, {'mean': 0.22719447238709786, 'median': 0.21500827689277635}, {'mean': 0.2620610489891658, 'median': 0.255177304964539}, {'mean': 0.2540232182541783, 'median': 0.23457093696574202}, {'mean': 0.3230085712300897, 'median': 0.3263351749539595}, {'mean': 0.26093326612377477, 'median': 0.2594112652136994}, {'mean': 0.30115965232695824, 'median': 0.2881442688809087}, {'mean': 0.10419469673264953, 'median': 0.06574664149015746}, {'mean': 0.14459843112390638, 'median': 0.1273132150810105}, {'mean': 0.09983214655943277, 'median': 0.08794976361471002}, {'mean': 0.14225336243007766, 'median': 0.12302560186487681}, {'mean': 0.09946071861930077, 'median': 0.07853215389041533}, {'mean': 0.1452193922659759, 'median': 0.12790372368526273}, {'mean': 0.11796940950011613, 'median': 0.0776666911598968}, {'mean': 0.17070274409635827, 'median': 0.15888826411759982}, {'mean': 0.19068874563285163, 'median': 0.1720531412171591}, {'mean': 0.09898339526744644, 'median': 0.08963622358746948}, {'mean': 0.18061992404502175, 'median': 0.15495696640138285}, {'mean': 0.16533057021385317, 'median': 0.10399253586284649}, {'mean': 0.11908729513660037, 'median': 0.0588394720437976}, {'mean': 0.17329359472117273, 'median': 0.10705735100688761}, {'mean': 0.2337590931600961, 'median': 0.16357100676045763}, {'mean': 0.21102276332981473, 'median': 0.19582317265976007}, {'mean': 0.2484378755666938, 'median': 0.23640730014990935}, {'mean': 0.21642001147674247, 'median': 0.18099201630711736}, {'mean': 0.129763301389145, 'median': 0.092685120415709}, {'mean': 0.054999694456918914, 'median': 0.04555942009022349}, {'mean': 0.18724649877256527, 'median': 0.18596250718311752}, {'mean': 0.17647253612174493, 'median': 0.14852174323196993}, {'mean': 0.178385177079417, 'median': 0.16691988950276243}, {'mean': 0.18817260737171776, 'median': 0.16271241356413235}, {'mean': 0.13811770403698734, 'median': 0.10897435897435898}, {'mean': 0.4355159036631469, 'median': 0.44460500963391136}, {'mean': 0.28184168594689557, 'median': 0.25374251741396553}, {'mean': 0.22359597758168365, 'median': 0.19391995334256762}, {'mean': 0.2878755977585209, 'median': 0.25158715762742606}, {'mean': 0.26728534727462555, 'median': 0.2410734949827748}, {'mean': 0.28933947460347065, 'median': 0.25559871643303494}, {'mean': 0.30402279251992353, 'median': 0.30089000839630564}, {'mean': 0.3922566238548766, 'median': 0.40705882352941175}, {'mean': 0.10406705198196901, 'median': 0.04374236571919052}, {'mean': 0.051218927963353054, 'median': 0.04365235141713119}, {'mean': 0.1723687820405403, 'median': 0.15059755991957824}, {'mean': 0.33144340218886986, 'median': 0.3072201540212242}, {'mean': 0.18000603727544026, 'median': 0.1706375749288419}, {'mean': 0.29408048899874983, 'median': 0.3036726128016789}, {'mean': 0.08503955870273701, 'median': 0.07407192525923781}, {'mean': 0.32241253234016937, 'median': 0.31006926588995215}, {'mean': 0.18205496347967423, 'median': 0.16134765474074647}, {'mean': 0.12977836123257955, 'median': 0.08590941601457007}, {'mean': 0.13443566497928924, 'median': 0.11798494025392971}, {'mean': 0.2033358456620277, 'median': 0.16576007209122687}, {'mean': 0.32415498788453834, 'median': 0.32617602427921094}, {'mean': 0.18749910770539593, 'median': 0.17252747252747253}, {'mean': 0.3193736682602594, 'median': 0.3373959675453564}, {'mean': 0.3257517503301688, 'median': 0.29360932475884244}, {'mean': 0.19620976301968188, 'median': 0.1650986741346869}, {'mean': 0.07896242289726156, 'median': 0.06548635285469223}, {'mean': 0.09044969459220685, 'median': 0.07117737003058104}, {'mean': 0.23577910900495405, 'median': 0.2106886253051269}, {'mean': 0.49002749329456036, 'median': 0.508513798224709}, {'mean': 0.2967746028243487, 'median': 0.29078296133448145}, {'mean': 0.23938081232215558, 'median': 0.20916949997582784}, {'mean': 0.11612617064064894, 'median': 0.10231888964116452}, {'mean': 0.12195714494535831, 'median': 0.04300298129912368}, {'mean': 0.20700090460961312, 'median': 0.2064790288239442}, {'mean': 0.13647293633345284, 'median': 0.12569427247320197}, {'mean': 0.22309412347829316, 'median': 0.21101490231903636}, {'mean': 0.10137747100018765, 'median': 0.06563398497986661}, {'mean': 0.08273584634594518, 'median': 0.06561233591005096}, {'mean': 0.04312086703340781, 'median': 0.02541695678217338}, {'mean': 0.2536093586322431, 'median': 0.2311732524352581}, {'mean': 0.32332895563886144, 'median': 0.32909180590909004}, {'mean': 0.2277484811069114, 'median': 0.22431761560720143}, {'mean': 0.1721841184848715, 'median': 0.16058076512244332}, {'mean': 0.29942596505649405, 'median': 0.29676670038589786}, {'mean': 0.15940437606074165, 'median': 0.1358949502071032}, {'mean': 0.12378472816253742, 'median': 0.11830807853171385}, {'mean': 0.1877499132271723, 'median': 0.17826751036439015}, {'mean': 0.11943950844267338, 'median': 0.07476532302595251}, {'mean': 0.17496298489567105, 'median': 0.1659926732955897}, {'mean': 0.1920977399165265, 'median': 0.16871625674865026}, {'mean': 0.16337082044518464, 'median': 0.116828342471531}, {'mean': 0.13862897874493735, 'median': 0.12335431461369693}, {'mean': 0.17396050138550698, 'median': 0.14759331143448312}, {'mean': 0.2398879707943406, 'median': 0.2546650763725905}, {'mean': 0.14397524759541586, 'median': 0.10151342090234151}, {'mean': 0.11262226656879762, 'median': 0.08519488018434215}, {'mean': 0.4105827285256272, 'median': 0.43712943197998555}, {'mean': 0.12208131944943262, 'median': 0.10823104693140795}, {'mean': 0.10174770697387744, 'median': 0.07673932517169305}, {'mean': 0.13941350910672, 'median': 0.11942396096727109}, {'mean': 0.20263947878478583, 'median': 0.1750341162105868}, {'mean': 0.42006022571388996, 'median': 0.4711730560719998}, {'mean': 0.19283089059664163, 'median': 0.12246812581863598}, {'mean': 0.06900296739992386, 'median': 0.0563680745433852}, {'mean': 0.16839264609586674, 'median': 0.1653832567997174}, {'mean': 0.20260798649692677, 'median': 0.17538042425378467}, {'mean': 0.4514355509481655, 'median': 0.4945924206514285}, {'mean': 0.08120602841441002, 'median': 0.05459630483539914}, {'mean': 0.3175258476394397, 'median': 0.3184809770175624}, {'mean': 0.23161067366700408, 'median': 0.22945830797321973}, {'mean': 0.32557766938441296, 'median': 0.3120613068393747}, {'mean': 0.5017692669135977, 'median': 0.5207786535525264}, {'mean': 0.17652187824323134, 'median': 0.14554151586614233}, {'mean': 0.32586693646536, 'median': 0.3296868690576704}, {'mean': 0.2076776587799097, 'median': 0.20473126032547465}, {'mean': 0.2604215070389401, 'median': 0.24160812708080265}, {'mean': 0.263077089015587, 'median': 0.25120875995449377}, {'mean': 0.16880134097818922, 'median': 0.15243747069084695}]
# Store the median value in the neighborhood data frame
hoods['median_NDVI'] = [s['median'] for s in stats_by_hood]
ZillowName | geometry | median_NDVI | |
0 | Academy Gardens | POLYGON ((500127.271 4434899.076, 500464.133 4... | 0.278566 |
1 | Airport | POLYGON ((483133.506 4415847.150, 483228.716 4... | 0.155719 |
2 | Allegheny West | POLYGON ((485837.663 4428133.600, 485834.655 4... | 0.171420 |
3 | Andorra | POLYGON ((480844.652 4435202.290, 480737.832 4... | 0.461749 |
4 | Aston Woodbridge | POLYGON ((499266.779 4433715.944, 499265.975 4... | 0.300690 |
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6))
# Plot a quick histogram
ax.hist(hoods['median_NDVI'], bins='auto')
ax.axvline(x=0, c='k', lw=2)
# Format
ax.set_xlabel("Median NDVI", fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of Neighborhoods", fontsize=18);
# Initialize
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
# Plot the city limits
city_limits.plot(ax=ax, edgecolor='black', facecolor='none', linewidth=4)
# Plot the median NDVI
hoods.plot(column='median_NDVI', legend=True, ax=ax)
# Format
You can use hvplot or altair!
With hvplot:
# trim to only the columns we want to plot
cols = ["median_NDVI", "ZillowName", "geometry"]
# Plot the parks colored by median NDVI
With altair:
# trim to only the columns we want to plot
cols = ["median_NDVI", "ZillowName", "geometry"]
legend=alt.Legend(title="Median NDVI"),
tooltip=["ZillowName", "median_NDVI"],
With hvplot:
# calculate the top 20
cols = ['ZillowName', 'median_NDVI']
top20 = hoods[cols].sort_values('median_NDVI', ascending=False).head(n=20)'ZillowName', y='median_NDVI', rot=90, height=400)
With altair:
.encode(x=alt.X("ZillowName", sort="-y"), # Sort in descending order by y
tooltip=['ZillowName', 'median_NDVI'])
With hvplot:
cols = ['ZillowName', 'median_NDVI']
bottom20 = hoods[cols].sort_values('median_NDVI', ascending=True).tail(n=20)'ZillowName', y='median_NDVI', rot=90, height=300, width=600)
With altair:
.encode(x=alt.X("ZillowName", sort="y"), # Sort in ascending order by y
tooltip=['ZillowName', 'median_NDVI'])